Remote System Connections

Default remote system connections are not limited to z/Server connections. All system types using the Eclipse Remote System Explorer framework (RSE) can be specified. However, specific remote system connections might require additional attributes to work correctly.


Element Attribute Description
remoteSystemConnection systemTypeID* The ID of the remote system type. The ID for z/Server connections is com.microfocus.awm.zos
connectionName* The unique name of the connection as seen in the Remote Systems view.
hostName* The host name of the connection.
port* The server port.
defaultUserID The default user ID that is used when a connection is being established. This can be changed in the credentials dialog box.
description The description for the remote system connection.
remoteCodePage (z/Server only) The remote code page that must be used for communication.
filter (z/Server only) filterString* The filter string.
Note: You can use %userid% which can be used to resolve the ID of the connected user at run time.
type* The filter type. Valid values are:
  • mvs
  • jes
filterName* The name of the filter as displayed in the Remote Systems view.


For example:

    <remoteSystemConnection connectionName="zServer"
        systemTypeID="com.microfocus.awm.zos" hostName="MYCOMPANY.ZSERVER"
        port="1111" remoteCodePage="IBM037" defaultUserID="MYUID"
        description="z/Server production environment">
        <filter name="My Files" type="mvs">
            <filterString string="%userid%.**" />
        <filter name="My Jobs" type="jes">
            <filterString string="%userid%.*" />
        <filter name="AWM Models" type="mvs">
            <filterString string="AWM.MODELS.XML" />
            <filterString string="MYUID.AWM.XML" />