Test the invkRevJ Web Service Requester

Walks you through the process of testing the invkRevJ Web service requester using the Rumba+ Desktop TN3270 emulator.

Now that you have your Web service requester running with all of its resources active, you are ready to run it from a TN3270 terminal emulator.

  1. If not already started, start the JSONPROV enterprise server region from the Server Explorer.
  2. Optionally, test to confirm that the ReverseJSON provider is running by repeating the steps outlined in the Test the ReverseJSON Web service provider topic of the Tutorial: CICS Web Service Provider, JSON Request-Response Top-down Method tutorial.
  3. From the Server Explorer, right-click JSONREQ; then select Show TN3270 display.
  4. Press F3 to bypass the CICS logon screen.
  5. Enter INVJ.
    Rumba+ Desktop should return your input string, reversed:

This concludes the tutorial.