Validate Region Result

Region details group
The name of the enterprise server instance associated with the project.
CICS Support
Shows the status of CICS support for the enterprise server instance - enabled or disabled.
Click this to enable CICS support in the associated enterprise server instance.
System Initialization Table (SIT) group
The name of the SIT in the associated enterprise server instance.
Startup list
The name of the startup list used by the associated enterprise server instance.
Validation result group
Name/Message list
Shows the result of the validation, including informational messages information_icon and warning messages error_icon.
Copy All
Copies all messages to the clipboard.
Copy Selection
Copies selected messages to the clipboard.
CICS Resources
Invokes the CICS Resources dialog box where you can make changes to your enterprise server instance configuration. See the CICS Resources reference topic for a detailed description of each field and control on this dialog box.
Show Console Log
Invokes the Instance Console Log window, which shows all informational and warning messages generated by starting or stopping the associated enterprise server instance.