Qualifies unqualified table and view names.




The name of the schema used to qualify unqualified table or view references in embedded SQL.


Requires one of the following:
  • The DIALECT directive option is set to MAINFRAME
  • The DIALECT directive option is set to MIXED, and each targeted SQL statement includes the [MAINFRAME] statement prefix


Used at compile time: Yes
Behavior at run time: Source file

See Scope - HCOPG SQL Compiler Directive Options for more information.


When CHECK is specified, HCOPG qualifies unqualified table and view references before sending statements to PostgreSQL for checking.

When ACCESS and/or BIND is specified, HCOPG qualifies unqualified table and view references in generated stored procedures.

When DBRMLIB is specified, HCOPG leaves unqualified table and view references unqualified in the DBRM. You can qualify them by specifying a qualifier when executing BIND PACKAGE or BIND PLAN commands. With DBRMLIB you need only specify QUALIFIER if it is required to assist CHECK.

When none of DBRMLIB, ACCESS, and BIND are specified, HCOPG qualifies table and view references in generated code.