COBCH1969 ILSMARTLINKAGE - no property generated for name which cannot be uniquely qualified.

The ILSMARTLINKAGE process is unable to create a property for an item within a linkage group.

In the following excerpt, the first ITEM1 declaration cannot be qualified, and so no property (or getter/setter) generated as part of the ILSMARTLINKAGE process.

       01 LKS-GROUP1.
         05 ITEM1 PIC X(20).  *> cannot be qualified
         05 ITEM2 PIC X(20).
         05 ITEM3 PIC X(20).
         05 SUB-GROUP1.
            15 ITEM1 PIC X.
            15 SUBITEM1 PIC X.
            15 SUBITEM2 PIC X.
        05 SUB-GROUP2.
            15 ITEM1 PIC X.
            15 SUBITEM3 PIC X.
            15 SUBITEM4 PIC X.