JES Get Steps


This tool retrieves the steps of the specified JES job.

Tool Attribute:

Attribute Type Description
Matchname String The match name to be used by the tool to identify JES job steps. The default value is JOB_STEP.


Parameter Name I/O Type Description
Job ID [M] I String ID of the JES job for which the steps should be retrieved.
Steps List [M] O File Referencing a file descriptor which will contain the list of the retrieved job steps.

The output file descriptor is of the type InputStream and will have the following structure:

Property No Target ID
1 [M] Element type.

The default value is JOB_STEP.

2 [M] DD name of the job step.
3 [M] Data set name of the job step.
4 [M] Name of the job entry system.
5 [M] Record count.
6 [M] Data set ID of the job step.