Table Tab

Restriction: This topic applies to Windows environments only.

The following buttons are available from the Table view of the Catalog Browser.

Create button
The Create button displays the Create Table dialog box, allowing you to specify parameters for a new table in the current location.
Alter button
The Alter button displays the Alter Table dialog box to let you change the currently selected table.
Drop button
The Drop button displays the Drop Table dialog box for the currently selected table.
Open button
The Open button displays the contents (data) of the selected table in a Result window. Clicking Open is the same as executing the SQL command: SELECT * FROM tablename FOR FETCH ONLY
Refresh button
The Refresh button queries the system catalog to find out current details for all tables and related objects. Click this button after you or someone else has made changes to objects, such as inserting, altering, or dropping locations, tables, indexes, queries, etc.
Filter button
The Filter button enables you to specify filters to control the databases, AuthIDs and table items that are displayed in the Catalog Browser for any particular location.
Detail button
The Detail checkbox indicates whether comments on the tables, columns, or other objects should be shown to the right of the object name. If checked, comments are displayed. At the column level, the column definition, including data type, is also displayed. You may have to increase the width of the Catalog Browser to see all of the information for each object.