Altering a Location

Restriction: This topic applies to Windows environments only.

Once you have created a location, you cannot change its name, path, or sort sequence. You can change the Location Creator, Forward Log settings, and Remarks as necessary.

To alter a location:

  1. Click the Alter command from the Location menu.

    Catalog Browser button
    From the Catalog Browser dialog box, choose a location from the Location folder and click the Alter button.

    SQLWizard displays the Alter Location dialog box .

  2. Specify the name of the location you want to alter in the Location Name field. Click the down-arrow button to view the existing names on the drop-down list. SQLWizard reads the system catalog entries for the location and displays the appropriate information.

    Optionally, you can type a name in the Location Name field instead of choosing a name from the drop-down list. If you type a location name, be sure to click a different field on the window to let SQLWizard know that you are done typing.

  3. Modify fields by typing in new information.

    You cannot change the Location Path. This field is disabled.

  4. Click OK to accept the location changes.