If you plan to download variable-length test files, you must first upload and compile the VRECGEN program in your mainframe
environment. This program is provided as a sample COBOL program for converting mainframe variable-length format files.
Note: Each site should review the provided source code and determine maximum and minimum lengths for its variable-length files.
These values (plus 4 for the MVS "Record Descriptor Word") should be used in the OCCURS DEPENDING ON clause of the record
descriptions in the sample FDs.
To install VRECGEN:
- The source code file for VRECGEN is copied onto the PC as part of the installation procedure; the file name is
vrecgen.cbl and it copies to
%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\src\base\source
in the installation of your COBOL development system.
- After you install your COBOL development system, upload the file
vrecgen.cbl to the mainframe, specifying conversion from ANSI to EBCDIC. Verify that the file is in fixed file, 80-byte card image format.
- Compile VRECGEN on your mainframe using your COBOL Compiler. When compiling this program, specify the following options. Some
are compiler options, some run-time system options, and some are link-edit options. Use only those applicable to your specific
environment and compiler:
- NOSSRANGE or NOSUBRNGCK (no subscript range checking)
- DATA(24)
Note: If you use VS COBOL II, Release 3 or above, and receive a file status of 39, recompile VRECGEN using the CMPR2 compile option.