Tutorial: Application Migration - Adding Function Emulation

Takes you through the process of adding SQL function emulation to a DB2 application, and migrating that application from DB2 to PostgreSQL using HCOPG.
The demonstrated function emulation includes:
  • Adding math functions to PostgreSQL that represent standard math functions in DB2
  • Mapping the DB2 functions to the new PostgreSQL functions using the Customize SQL Name Mapping tool


  • If you have not already done so, review the Assumptions and Before you begin a tutorial section in the Tutorials: HCO for PostgreSQL (HCOPG) topic to ensure your environment is set up properly.
  • Before attempting this tutorial, you must first work through the steps in Tutorial: Create and Load the HCO_Test Database.

Visual Studio solution - FunctionEmulation

The Visual Studio solution we provide for this tutorial contains two HCOPG projects. The FunctionEmulation project is a native COBOL project.

The solution also contains the program, which is a COBOL SQL program that does not contain function emulation in its initial form.

The demonstration Visual Studio solution and its components are located in the %PUBLIC%\Documents\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\Samples\Mainframe\SQL\hcopg\FunctionEmulation directory by default.


To complete this tutorial, progress through these topics in the order presented here. The bottom of each topic provides Next topic and Previous topic navigational links to help you proceed in the proper sequence: