Specifying a Server Protocol and Cipher Suite Preference

During the initial connection handshaking process clients send an ordered cipher suite list to use for the duration of the connection. The server selects a cipher suite from the client's preferred order list of supported cipher suites.

By default, because the TLS honor server cipher list option is checked in a listener's SSL Options or the MF Directory Server tab, the conversation will use the server's preferred protocol and cipher suites list. If you have not specified a value for the TLS protocols or Cipher suites fields, then the default is used. The TLS protocols field now supports TLS1.3. See Configuring a TLS Protocols List and Configuring a Cipher Suites List for more information. You can use the TLS honor server cipher list to force the use of a strong, ordered list of protocols and cipher suites. This controls the strength of cryptography used between server and client.

Note: A server using the SSL protocol is subject to a number of well documented security vulnerabilities. This is why the SSL2 protocol is no longer supported by Micro Focus products. Micro Focus recommends using the TLS1.1 and TLS1.2 protocols.