Use this page to create a new Extended Architecture Table (XAT).

Click Copy to create a new XAT resource, using the values set on this page as the basis for the new XAT resource.

Click Delete to delete this XAT resource.

Click Active to make this resource active.

Click Dump to create and view dump information for this XAT.

Click Save to save your changes to the XAT.

Specify the name of this XAT.
Choose a group to which this XAT will belong. The list of groups from which you can choose include only those that can be edited by you.
Specify a short description of the XAT. Acceptable characters are A through Z, 0 through 9, $, @, and #.
Switch Module
Specify the location of the executable file .dll (Windows), or .so (UNIX) that contains the entry point that returns the xa_switch_t structure to the enterprise server.

Open String

Fixed Format
Switch to the right to enable open string fixed format:
Database Name
Specify the name of the resource manager database.
User ID
A resource manager ID, used internally to identify a particular XA configuration. This must be unique within the enterprise server instance.
The password required for the User ID.
Confirm Password
If you are creating a new password, specify the password again to verify you have entered it correctly.
Fixed Format
Switch to the left to disable open string fixed format:
Open String
The string that is passed to the resource manager on the xa_open() call. As a minimum, an entry in this field typically contains the database name, and the User ID and password for connecting to the database. The contents of this string are database specific.

Close String

Close String
Specify the string that is passed to the resource manager on the xa_close() call. See your database vendor's documentation to determine whether or not you need to specify a close string.

Resource Manager RTS Support

Load Module
Choose an external resource manager that the server needs to communicate with on behalf of container-managed applications:
  • None
  • DB2
  • Oracle
  • Sybase
  • User
Load Module Name
If you choose User from the Load Module list, specify the name of the module that supplies the run-time support for the database calls made by the application.