Run a Custom Report

For a more comprehensive description of the data shown in the custom reports and how to run and export them, refer to the documentation available from the APLS, by clicking The Help icon.

  1. Click The Menu icon and select Custom Report from the USAGE & REPORT section.
  2. Click Select Product and select the product on which to run a report.
  3. Click Select Report and select the report to run.

    The report runs automatically and the results are displayed.

  4. At this point, you can perform a number of steps, such as:
    • Edit the report - click Edit Report, update the report fields and click Update.
    • Clone the report - click Edit Report, update the report name and fields and click Save As.
    • Filter the report results - click Add Filter and select a field to filter the results on.
    • Export the results - click Export to Excel icon (Export to Excel) or Export to CSV icon (Export to CSV).
    • Focus on a subset of results - use expand icon and collapse icon on the column heading and within the rows to expand and collapse information.