To configure system and transaction dumps

Note: To use these options, your enterprise server instance must have a started Web listener. See Listeners for details.
  1. While your enterprise server instance is in Start mode, start or access the ESCWA Web interface.
  2. Select your enterprise server instance on the list of default servers in the tree view.
  3. Click Monitor > Control.
  4. In the DIAGNOSTICS group, check Dump on ABEND Sys and/or Dump on ABEND Tran, depending on what type(s) of information you need:
    Dump on ABEND Sys
    Check this to produce a dump if an abend occurs due to an error in Enterprise Server itself.
    Dump on ABEND Tran
    Check this to produce a dump if an abend occurs due to a problem with any of your transaction programs. When checked, you can further control the contents of the dump file on the program level by checking or unchecking Dump on abend on the PCT Properties dialog box for a specific program. When unchecked, the setting of Dump on abendis ignored.
  5. Click APPLY.
    Note: By default, Enterprise Server uses the A dataset for output files. If you want to change the dataset, click SWITCH DUMP SET. If the dataset is currently set to A, it is switched to B. If it is B, the dataset is switched to A.