Optional Secrets Polling Settings

As write secret and delete secret requests are performed asynchronously by the AWS vault, there can be a delay for the requests to be completed. Configuration options are provided to enable or disable secrets polling, maximum number of polls, and time between polls, and for individual write and delete polling. Micro Focus recommends you enable polling by default. However, polling requires additional API calls. Disabling polling might result in subsequent requests failing if they are made in rapid succession.

Note: If a recovery window is configured, no polling will be performed for deleted secrets.

Micro Focus recommends the following values for delete requests:

time_between_polls_delete=3 [measured in seconds]

Micro Focus recommends the following values for write requests:

time_between_polls_write=500 [measured in milliseconds]
Note: The time taken to wait for written secrets polling is significantly shorter than for deleted secrets.