Defines system thresholds for CICS, JES, IMS, or CGI resources.
Keyword Description
_THreshold (name) Name of the Threshold record. Can be up to eight characters in length. Acceptable characters are A through Z, 0 through 9, $, @ and #.
Group(groupname) Names the group the connection definition belongs to. Mandatory. groupname can be up to eight characters in length. Acceptable characters are A through Z, 0 through 9, $, @ and #. Do not specify a group name starting with DFH, as Mainframe Subsystem Support (MSS) uses that prefix for system groups.
Description(text) Describes the bundle. Optional. text can be up to 60 characters in length, with no restrictions except that if you use a left parenthesis you must ensure that there is a matching right parenthesis.
_THType (CICS|JES|IMS|CGI) [3] Type of resource the threshold belongs to.
Note: The CGI type will apply to the ESCWA and ESMAC casrdxxx modules.
_Stepname Stepname for a JES type threshold to apply to.
_CPUWarn Amount of CPU usage (ms) to reach before a warning message is sent.
_CPUPurge Amount of CPU usage (ms) to reach before the process is purged (killed).
_MEMWarn Amount of MEM usage (kB) to reach before a warning message is sent.
_MEMPurge Amount of MEM usage (kB) to reach before the process is purged (killed).
_ETWarn Amount of elapsed time (ms) to reach before a warning message is sent.
_ETPurge Amount of elapsed time (ms) to reach before the process is purged (killed).


       _THTYPE(CICS) _CPUWARN(5000) _CPUPURGE(10000) _MEMWARN(300)
       _MEMPURGE(8192) _ETWARN(0) _ETPURGE(0)