Micro Focus Enterprise Developer 9.0 for Eclipse (Windows)
Product Overview
Existing Customers: Updating from an Earlier Release
New Features
New Features in Enterprise Developer 9.0
Features Added in Enterprise Developer 8.0
Features Added in Enterprise Developer 7.0
Features Added in Enterprise Developer 6.0
Features Added in Enterprise Developer 5.0
Features Added in Enterprise Developer 4.0
Features Added in Enterprise Developer 3.0
Features Added in Enterprise Developer 2.3 Update 2
Features Added in Enterprise Developer 2.3 Update 1
Features Added in Enterprise Developer 2.3
Features Added in Enterprise Developer 2.2 Update 2
Features Added in Enterprise Developer 2.2 Update 1
Features Added in Enterprise Developer 2.2
Features Added in Enterprise Developer 2.1 Update 1
Features Added in Enterprise Developer 2.1
Features Added in Enterprise Developer 2.0
Significant Changes in Behavior or Usage
New Customers: Where do I start?
New to Eclipse
Where do I start: Developer Tasks
Where do I start: Developing Mainframe Applications in Enterprise Developer
Where do I start: Deploying Mainframe Applications to Enterprise Server
New to COBOL
New to PL/I
New to Micro Focus Enterprise Developer UNIX Components
Upgrading from Mainframe Express
Upgrading from Net Express
Upgrading from Server Express
Upgrading from Studio Enterprise Edition
Want to deploy an application
Upgrading to Enterprise Developer
Licensing Changes
Resolving conflicts between reserved keywords and data item names
Importing Existing COBOL Code into Enterprise Developer
Recompile all source code
Upgrading from Mainframe Express to Enterprise Developer
Upgrading from Studio Enterprise Edition (Windows)
Upgrading from Server Express and Studio Enterprise Edition (UNIX)
Differences between Enterprise Developer and Net Express, Server Express and Mainframe Express
Upgrading from ACUCOBOL-GT
Upgrading from RM/COBOL®
Overview of application development in Eclipse
Overview of Remote Mainframe Development
Enterprise Developer Tutorials Guide
Mainframe Tutorials
Getting started with Enterprise Developer
Tutorial: AppMaster Builder
Tutorial: Assembler Support
Tutorials: CICS
Tutorial: CICS Support
Tutorial: Web-enabled CICS Acting as a Web Server
Tutorial: Web-enabled CICS Acting as a Web Client
Tutorials: CICS Web Services
Tutorial: CICS Web Service Provider from WSDL, Top-down Method
Tutorial: CICS Web Service Requester from WSDL, Top-down Method
Tutorial: CICS Web Service Provider from WSDL, Bottom-up Method
Tutorial: CICS Web Service Provider from JSON, Request-Response Top-down Method
Tutorial: CICS Web Service Requester from JSON, Linkable Interface Top-down Method
Tutorial: CICS Web Service Provider from JSON, Request-Response Bottom-up Method
Tutorial: CICS Web Service Provider from JSON, RESTful
Tutorial: DSNREXX
Tutorials: Application Migration using HCO for PostgreSQL
Tutorials: HCO for SQL Server (HCOSS)
Tutorials: IMS
Tutorial: JCL
Tutorial: Mainframe Batch Database Tools (MBDT)
Tutorials: Open PL/I
Tutorial: Remote mainframe development
Using the Rumba Screen Designer
Native COBOL Tutorials
Tutorial: Creating a Native COBOL Application
Tutorial: Running Unit Tests in the IDE
Tutorials: Interface Mapping Toolkit
Tutorial: OpenESQL Assistant
Tutorial: Data File Editor
Tutorial: Classic Data File Tools
Tutorial: Using the Callable File Handler
Tutorials: JSON Processing
JVM COBOL Tutorials
Technology Preview Features
EAP Features
Enterprise Developer Editions and Activating Licenses
Product Information
Supported Operating Systems and Third-party Software
Additional Software Requirements
Before Installing
Basic Installation
Advanced Installation Tasks
On Windows
Installing on Microsoft Terminal Server and Citrix
Mainframe Access Installation Guide
Migration information
Installation requirements
Mainframe Access Configuration Utility
Host Installation
Preparing the Installation
Installation procedure
Upload the software
Receive the software
Configuration overview
Quick Configuration
Advanced Configuration Activities
Running Multiple Instances of Mainframe Access Server
Customizing Data Connect
Configuring Access to External Library Management Systems
Configuring Access to Enterprise Server Mainframe Subsystem Support
Console Commands
Mainframe Access Messages
Mainframe Access Server Messages
Mainframe Access Operational Messages Format
Mainframe Access Messages
Data Set Services Messages
MFA Direct Messages
Data Connect Messages
Drag and Drop Error Messages
Status Codes and Error Messages
Configuration reference
Mainframe Access Server configuration parameters
Optional: AWM configuration for IBM Developer for System z RSED
After Installing
Installing Enterprise Developer Development Hub
Before Installing
Basic Installation
Advanced Installation Tasks
Installing as an Upgrade
UNIX Installation Options
RPM Installer
Installing on Microsoft Terminal Server and Citrix
Mainframe Access Installation Guide
Migration information
Installation requirements
Mainframe Access Configuration Utility
Host Installation
Preparing the Installation
Installation procedure
Upload the software
Receive the software
Configuration overview
Quick Configuration
Advanced Configuration Activities
Running Multiple Instances of Mainframe Access Server
Customizing Data Connect
Configuring Access to External Library Management Systems
Configuring Access to Enterprise Server Mainframe Subsystem Support
Console Commands
Mainframe Access Messages
Mainframe Access Server Messages
Mainframe Access Operational Messages Format
Mainframe Access Messages
Data Set Services Messages
MFA Direct Messages
Data Connect Messages
Drag and Drop Error Messages
Status Codes and Error Messages
Configuration reference
Mainframe Access Server configuration parameters
Optional: AWM configuration for IBM Developer for System z RSED
After Installing
Managing Licenses
To start Micro Focus License Administration
Configuring Micro Focus License Administration
Installing licenses
Installing licenses silently
Viewing installed licenses
Uninstalling licenses
Installing License Manager
Trial licenses
Subscription licenses
Usage Logging
Licensing Error Messages
Updates and Product Support
Micro Focus End User License Agreement
Known Issues and Restrictions
Application Server JCA Support
Application Workflow Manager
AppMaster Builder
Audit Manager
Calling COBOL Programs from C
COBOL Programming
Code Analysis
Installation on Windows
Installing on UNIX and Linux
Data Access
Debugging, Problem Determination and Diagnostic Tools
Enterprise Server
Eclipse IDE
JVM COBOL Applications
Mainframe Programming and Management
Remote Mainframe Development
Contacting Micro Focus
Sample Programs
Cheat Sheets
The Micro Focus Community
Help on Help
Developing Applications in the IDE
Starting Enterprise Developer
Introduction to Eclipse
Configuring Eclipse
Using Eclipse for COBOL Development
Creating COBOL projects
Creating and importing COBOL projects
Creating and importing resources
Using source files from outside your project
Using custom project and file templates
Identifying COBOL copybooks and programs
Configuring the project, build configuration, folder and file properties
Building COBOL applications
Compiling COBOL Applications
Linking native COBOL code (Windows)
Linking (UNIX)
Cleaning a project
Tips: Building COBOL projects
Developing applications on remote machines
Java Interoperability within the IDE
Preparing files for deployment
Code coverage (native COBOL)
Code Analysis
Debugging COBOL Applications
Debugging Scenarios
Starting the debugger automatically
Debugging Windows services
Debugging using a core dump
Debugging using a live recording
Debugging using a remote machine
Debugging CICS channels and containers
Debugging mixed language applications
Debugging on Enterprise Server Scenarios
Debugging Enterprise Server services and applications using a live recording
Debugging outside of Eclipse
The Character Animator
Overview of Character Animator Functions
Working With Character Animator
Directives for Character Animator
Cross-session Debugging
Using cobesdebug to Debug Services and Applications on Enterprise Server
Overview of the debugging process
Preparing projects for debugging
Debugging features and techniques in Eclipse
Code Refactoring
Running COBOL applications
Working with Apache Maven
COBOL Applications for .NET
Using Eclipse for PL/I development
PL/I Perspective and Projects
The PL/I Editor
Configuring the PL/I Editor
Creating a PL/I project
Creating Remote PL/I Projects
Setting PL/I Project, File and Build Configuration Settings
Indicating That a .pli File is a Source File
Extracting PL/I code to an include file
Compiling and building a PL/I project
Linking PL/I programs
Code Coverage (PL/I)
Debugging PL/I projects
Running a PL/I application
Using Enterprise Server from within the IDE
Modern Development Practices
Using Enterprise Developer in Modern Application Development
Using Enterprise Developer with Jenkins
Enterprise Developer Build Tools for Windows
Using Enterprise Developer with Containers
Introduction to Containers
Benefits of Using Containers
Container Terminology
Getting Ready to Use Enterprise Developer with Containers
Key Concepts When Using Containers for COBOL Application Development
Building Images for COBOL Applications
Debugging and Running COBOL Applications in Containers
Debugging and Running PL/I Applications in Containers
Container Demonstrations
COBOL Programming
What is COBOL?
History of COBOL
Calling COBOL Programs
JVM COBOL Programming
Native COBOL Compared to JVM COBOL
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming for COBOL Developers
Moving Native COBOL Applications to JVM COBOL
Compiling and Calling JVM COBOL Applications as Part of a Package
64-bit applications in the Java environment
Using a File Handler in JVM COBOL
Multiple user COBOL applications in Java
Exposing COBOL as Web Services
Java and COBOL Interoperability
Java and OO COBOL Interoperability
Java and OO COBOL Interoperability Options
Deploying a Java Service Interface and Using Resource Adapters
Calling Procedural COBOL from Java
Calling Java from Native OO COBOL
Calling Native OO COBOL from Java
Java Data Types
Micro Focus COBOL Java Class Library
JVM COBOL Interoperating with Java
Java and non-OO COBOL Interoperability
Internationalization Support
Preparing Applications for Enterprise Server
Interface Mapping Toolkit (IMTK)
Managing IMTK Projects
Defining Service Interfaces
Deploying Service Interfaces
How to
Mixed Language Programming
Ordering Parameters to Pass to Non-COBOL Programs
Removing Parameters from the Stack
Storage Representation of Parameters
Aligning Parameters on Word and Double Word Boundaries
Handling Return Codes in Mixed Language Applications
Call Conventions for Interfacing with Mixed Languages
Building a Mixed Language Application
Interfacing with Assembler Subprograms
Interfacing with Windows API Routines
Interfacing with C Programs
Avoiding data name conflicts
Calling a COBOL Entry Point Directly
Passing Data between C and COBOL
Header-to-COPY Utility
Converting Header Files Using the H2cpy Utility
Overview - H2cpy Messages
Warning Messages
Error Messages - Command Line Errors
Error Messages - Invalid C Source
Calling COBOL Programs from C
Error Messages when Calling Non-COBOL Programs
Signal Handling
Examples of Mixed Language Programming
Using COBOL and XML together
XML Extensions
Installation and introduction
Getting started with XML Extensions
XML Extensions statements reference
COBOL considerations
XML considerations
Appendix A XML Extensions examples
Example 1 Import file and export file
Example 2 Export file and import file with XSLT stylesheets
Example 3 Export file and import file with OCCURS DEPENDING
Example 4 Export file and import file with sparse arrays
Example 5 Export and import text
Example 6 Export file and import file with directory polling
Example 7 Export file, test well-formed file, and validate file
Example 8 Export text, test well-formed text, and validate text
Example 9 Export file, transform file, and import file
Example 10 Diagnostic messages
Example 11 Import file with missing intermediate parent names
Example batch files
Appendix B: XML Extensions sample application programs
Appendix C: XML Extensions error messages
XML Syntax Extensions
Generating COBOL Structures with XML Syntax from the Command Line
Glossary of terms
64-bit Native COBOL Programming
Embedded HTML
Compatibility with ACUCOBOL-GT
Converting ACUCOBOL-GT Applications
ACUCOBOL-GT File Handling
ACUCOBOL-GT Library Routines
ACUCOBOL-GT Windowing Syntax
Compatibility with DG Interactive COBOL
Compatibility with RM/COBOL
Converting RM/COBOL Applications
Configuring Your Application for Eclipse
Compiler Directives for RM/COBOL Compatibility
Compiling RM/COBOL Programs Without DIALECT"RM"
RM/COBOL Data Types
RM/COBOL Conversion Issues
RM/COBOL Library Routines
RM/COBOL File Handling
Restrictions and Limitations
Converting RM/Panels Applications
Conversion Example: Using Eclipse
Writing Programs
Appendix A: Master Copy File RMPANELS.WS
Appendix B Standard Utility, and Extended Run-time Functions and Parameters
Compatibility with XML Extensions
Native OO COBOL Class Library Reference
Data Access
Database Access
Accessing Databases from COBOL
Database Access Features
Database Access Preprocessors
Developing SQL Applications
Compiling SQL Applications
OpenESQL Preprocessor Options
Setting the OpenESQL Preprocessor and Compiler Directive Options
SQL Code Generation Options
Scope - OpenESQL SQL Compiler Directive Options
OpenESQL DBMAN Use Case Scenarios
OpenESQL Datetime Data Type Handling
OpenESQL Fixed-length Character Strings Handling
SQL Syntax Checking with OpenESQL
OpenESQL Embedded SQL Cursor Behavior and Performance
Database Connections
Managing Transactions
Programming for OpenESQL
COBOL Program Migration Support
How to
EXEC SQL Statement
Embedded SQL Statements
SQL Compiler Directive Options
DBMAN Directive Settings
JDBC Driver Classes
Sample DataSource Object Files
SQL/COBOL Data Type Mappings
OpenESQL Messages
OpenESQL Preprocessor Error Messages
COBES0002 token is badly defined.
COBES0003 Program contains more than one definition of token
COBES0004 Nested or multi-source programs not allowed.
COBES0005 An error occurred when processing the internal dictionary.
COBES0006 No DB engine could be found.
COBES0007 Source file name is invalid.
COBES0010 OESQL rejected an unspecified option.
COBES0022 The directive SQL(DBMAN=ODBC) is not supported under Personal Edition.
COBES0023 The SQL(DBMAN) directive option is not supported with native applications.
COBES0024 The SQL(DBMAN) directive option is not supported with JDBC applications.
COBES0100 SQL incompatible with MAINFRAME
COBES0101 Statement is too long.
COBES0102 Statement contains too many host variables.
COBES0103 token does not have a suitable definition to be used as a host variable.
COBES0104 Bad SQL data declaration.
COBES0105 Syntax error.
COBES0106 Filename too long.
COBES0107 File token not found.
COBES0108 token is not unique and should be qualified.
COBES0109 token is not a data item.
COBES0110 Statement contains more than one SQLDA.
COBES0111 token is not a table of null indicator variables.
COBES0112 variable should not be defined with an OCCURS clause.
COBES0113 token should not be a subordinate to an item defined with an OCCURS clause.
COBES0114 Statement only allowed in the Procedure Division.
COBES0115 Statement not allowed in the Procedure Division.
COBES0116 An error occurred when processing the trace file.
COBES0118 Mismatched DECLARE.
COBES0119 Host variable name is too long.
COBES0120 Internal error - dictionary handle is too big.
COBES0121 Compiler directive SQL (token1=token2) is invalid or badly sequenced - all SQL statements ignored.
COBES0123 Invalid ILTARGET - cannot use ILTARGET(ANYCPU) - must specify ILTARGET(X86) or ILTARGET(X64).
COBES0124 Host or Indicator Variable varname should not be defined in EXEC SQL statement using a subscript.
COBES0125 variable should be defined with an OCCURS clause.
COBES0130 Host variable host-var.group-var is part of a group variable expansion that is not supported in this type of SQL statement.
COBES0201 BEHAVIOR directive not valid unless TARGETDB directive of DB2, ORACLE, or MSSQLSERVER set first.
COBES0202 BEHAVIOR directive not set.
COBES0203 PREFETCH and BEHAVIOR directives are mutually exclusive - cannot set both.
COBES0205 Cannot set directive PF_RO_CURSOR > 1 if RO_CURSOR directive is set to IC_FH.
COBES0206 Cannot set directive PF_RO_CURSOR > 1 if RO_CURSOR directive is set to FORWARD and TARGETDB is MSSQLSERVER.
COBES0207 Cannot set directive PF_UPD_CURSOR > 1 if UPD_CURSOR directive is set to FORWARD.
COBES0208 Cannot set UPD_CURSOR directive to DYNAMIC if TARGETDB directive is set to ORACLE.
COBES0209 Cannot set UPD_CURSOR directive to STATIC if TARGETDB directive is set to MSSQLSERVER.
COBES0211 DBRMLIB name is too long, max 44 characters.
COBES0212 Simple name in DBRMLIB name is too long, max 8 characters.
COBES0213 Simple name in DBRMLIB name starts with invalid character.
COBES0214 Invalid character in DBRMLIB name.
COBES0215 MEMBER name is too long, max 8 characters.
COBES0216 MEMBER name cannot begin with a numeric digit.
COBES0217 Invalid character in MEMBER name.
COBES0218 MEMBER directive not valid unless DBRMLIB directive set.
COBES0219 VERSION directive not valid unless DBRMLIB directive set.
COBES0220 VERSION is too long, max 64 characters.
COBES0221 Invalid character in VERSION.
COBES0222 Invalid Framework target - SQL applications must be built to target the 4.0 .NET Framework.
COBES0223 TARGETDB directive not set.
COBES0900 An internal error occurred.
COBES0901 This error prevents SQL processing from continuing - further EXEC SQL statements will be ignored.
COBES1002 Statement is not in area B.
COBES1004 token directive is not supported and has been ignored.
esqlconfig command
MDCLGEN command-line tool
User Interface Reference
COBOL Directives
COBSQL Compiler Directive Options
COBSQL Messages
CSQL-I-001 to CSQL-E-023
CSQL-E-024 to CSQL-F-050
SQL Data Types
Data Structures
Data Files
Data File Tools
Data File Editor
Current Restrictions
Accessing Data File Editor
Using the Data File Editor
Using the Structure File Editor
File Conversion Utilities
Data File Structure Command Line Utility
Classic Data File Tools
Configuring Classic Data File Tools
Data File Converter
Record Layout Editor
Data File Editor
How to
Data Modernization
File Handling
File Handling Examples
Btrieve Examples
Data and Key Compression Example
External Files Example
File Handler Examples
File Names Examples
File Status Examples
Indexed File Examples
MFSORT Examples
Rebuild Examples
Relative File Definition Example
Sequential File Examples
File Handling Guide
File Organizations
File names
File Status
Sharing Files
File Handler Configuration
File Handler and Sort APIs
Sort Utilities
Data and Key Compression
Tracing File Operations
File Systems
Fileshare Guide
Standard Operation
Configuring CCI Communications for Fileshare
Database Integrity
Advanced Operation
Error Handling
Fileshare Server Messages
Messages from FS001-S to FS050-W
FS001-S The parameter "text " is not recognized as a valid parameter.
FS004-S The parameter "text " specifies a time-out value that is invalid.
FS005-S The parameter "text " is too long or invalid.
FS006-S The parameter "text " has already been specified.
FS007-S Invalid parameter combination.
FS008-S Communications Initialization Failure.
FS009-S The required communications module cannot be found.
FS011-W Communications send failure.
FS012-W Communications disconnect failure.
FS013-W Communications receive error.
FS014-W Communications data length not as expected.
FS015-W Request from unknown user - request rejected.
FS016-S The parameter "text " is invalid.
FS017-S Unable to open the file : filename.
FS018-S Log file corrupt - unrecognizable record in file.
FS019-S Log file corrupt - can't read header.
FS020-S The log file does not match the database sequence numbers - recovery aborted.
FS021-S There is no log filename specified in the database reference file.
FS022-S The log filename given cannot be found in the database reference file.
FS024-S Failed to open log file : filename.
FS025-S Write failure to the log file, Fileshare Server is closing down.
FS026-W Failed to close the log file.
FS027-S A second log file parameter has been found.
FS028-W The log file shows the last session was not shut down successfully.
FS029-S The log filename is already specified in the database reference file.
FS030-S Insufficient disk space to continue logging to log file.
FS031-I Record lock time-out failure on user : user.
FS034-S A filename or log file parameter must be specified.
FS035-S A database reference file must be specified.
FS037-I The file filename does not have a file header record. Sequence checking is switched off for this file.
FS038-S A matching sequence number not found in filename.
FS039-S Improperly closed file - filename.
FS040-S Unable to read the file header record in the file filename.
FS041-S Unable to update the sequence number in the file filename.
FS042-S Unable to open the database reference file: filename.
FS043-S The database reference file contains an invalid entry.
FS044-S Error reading the database reference file.
FS045-W Duplicate filename specified in the database reference file.
FS050-W A log file is not specified in the database reference file.
Messages from FS051-W to FS099-W
FS051-W Failure to allocate a larger buffer, the I-O request failed.
FS052-S Failure to allocate required memory. The Fileshare Server is closing down.
FS055-S The parameter "text " specifies a configuration file that does not exist.
FS056-S The parameter "text " specifies a data compression value that is not within the range 0-255.
FS057-S The parameter "text " specifies a key compression value that is not within the range 0-7.
FS058-S Failure to allocate memory for the decompression of the log file.
FS059-S Failure to allocate the memory required for processing the database reference file.
FS062-S Failure creating the password file filename.
FS063-S Failure opening the password file filename.
FS064-S Failure reading the password file filename.
FS065-S The password file is not of a recognized format.
FS066-S The specified user name already exists in the password file.
FS068-I The password file is now empty and has been deleted.
FS069-S The specified entry could not be found in the password file.
FS070-S Failure writing to the password file.
FS071-W Unable to load the module FHXSCOMP to decompress the data area.
FS072-S The parameter "text " contains a wild card which is not allowed with this parameter.
FS073-S Failure to allocate memory to process the password file.
FS074-S The Fileshare Server (NLM) failed to log on to NetWare with the login id specified.
FS075-W Unable to load the module FSSECLOG - LOGON has been denied.
FS076-W Unable to load the module FSSECOPN - OPEN has been denied.
FS077-S A Fileshare Server of the same name has already been defined - the Fileshare Server is closing down.
FS078-S No password file has been specified for the use of background mode.
FS079-S A supervisor password entry must exist for the use of background mode.
FS080-S No password file has been specified for the use of the synchronous communications mode.
FS081-S A supervisor password must be specified in the password file for the synchronous communications mode.
FS082-S The Netbios communications protocol is not responding. Ensure the requester software is loaded and functional.
FS083-S Incompatible CCIIPX.NLM version.
FS084-I Fileshare Server is starting.
FS085-I Fileshare Server is active.
FS086-I Fileshare Server is closing down.
FS087-I Fileshare Server has closed down.
FS089-I Database Reference File Maintenance Utility.
FS090-I Database Reference File installation completed successfully.
FS091-I Rollforward Recovery Utility
FS092-I Rollforward Recovery has completed.
FS094-I Password File Maintenance Utility.
FS096-I Password File installation has completed.
FS097-I Are you sure that you wish to close down the Fileshare Server ? (Y/N)
FS099-W File I/O status was not as expected. Returned status: status Expected status: status Action code: text File: filename.
Messages from FS101-I to FS149-I
FS101-I text -- parameter has been accepted.
FS103-I The log filename has been added to the database reference file.
FS104-I The log file cannot be found, creating a new recovery log file.
FS105-W The disk free space for the log file is below acceptable limits.
FS106-I filename - added to database reference file.
FS107-I filename - removed from the database reference file.
FS108-I Processing the files specified in the database reference file.
FS109-W The file filename does not exist.
FS110-I filename - OK.
FS111-W Files are still open. Continue to close down the Fileshare Server (Y/N) ?
FS114-W Waiting for the old log file to be removed.
FS118-I The database sequence number matches the sequence number in the log file, no recovery is needed.
FS122-I Communications too busy on CCI SEND - retrying.
FS123-I Communications too busy on CCI RECEIVE - retrying.
FS124-I Checking the validity of the log file, please wait.
FS125-I Recovery possible to last valid recovery log file record.
FS126-I Performing recovery, please wait.
FS127-S Invalid name mapping command.
FS128-W Fileshare Server closedown invoked by Stop Run processing.
FS129-I The Fileshare Server is still active.
FS130-I Reading database reference file, please wait.
FS131-W Invalid communications mode - parameter ignored.
FS132-I The Fileshare Server is running with the following communication protocol(s):
FS133-I Processing the password file, please wait.
FS134-I The password file cannot be found - creating a new password file.
FS135-I Fileshare Server security is active.
FS136-I Fileshare Server security is not active.
FS138-W The log file has been backed up and a new one has been created.
FS139-I A matching date and time entry has been found in the log file.
FS140-I No matching date and time entry has been found in the log file.
FS142-W The Operating System does not permit the log file to be flushed to disk.
FS143-W The Operating System does not allow free disk space information to be obtained.
FS144-W More than one communications protocol has been specified - synchronous communications mode not active.
FS145-W Fileshare Client disconnected, cannot contact user: text.
FS146-W Unexpected action code, action-code - discarded.
FS147-I A duplicate network message was received and discarded.
FS148-I CCI return-code (function func) = code.
FS149-I CCI SEND not complete, status will be checked later.
Messages from FS151-I to FS200-W
FS151-I CCI message size received = text. Indicated send message size = text
FS153-I The Fileshare Server name has been reregistered on the network.
FS154-I Please enter the FSVIEW supervisor password to enable the use of CCI Trace.
FS155-I Password accepted - CCI Trace is enabled. Do you want CCI Trace active immediately? (Y/N)
FS156-W Incorrect password - CCI Trace is disabled.
FS158-I CCI Trace activated.
FS159-I CCI Trace switched off.
FS160-I Fileshare trace activated.
FS161-I Fileshare trace switched off.
FS163-I Input useropcode [filename-1] [ filename-2].
FS170-I Input- Logon.
FS171-I Input- Logoff user.
FS172-I Input- Find File userfilename.
FS173-I Output- userstatus.
FS176-W There is no backup directory specified in the database reference file.
FS177-S The backup directory specified cannot be found in the database reference file.
FS178-I The backup directory has been added to the database reference file.
FS179-S A backup directory is already specified in the database reference file.
FS180-W The log filename specified has an extension. The name of the log file has been changed to "filename".
FS182-W Output- Access Denied
FS188-W Fileshare Server database reference file installation completed with errors.
FS189-W The backup directory does not exist.
FS190-W The backup directory specifies the name of an existing file.
FS191-W An error occurred accessing the backup directory.
FS192-S More than one log file exists in the log file directory.
FS193-S Unable to open the log file.
FS194-I The log file "filename-1" has been backed up successfully to "filename-2".
FS195-I The Fileshare Server is using the log file "filename".
FS196-W Unable to create the log file "filename".
FS197-S Unable to create the log file "filename".
FS198-W The attempt to backup the log file failed because the backup file "filename" already exists.
FS199-S The attempt to backup the log file failed because the backup file "filename" already exists.
FS200-W The attempt to backup the log file to "filename" failed.
Messages from FS201 to FS300
FS201-S The attempt to backup the log file to "filename" failed.
FS202-I The Fileshare Server will continue logging to the log file "filename".
FS203-I The Fileshare Server is appending to the log file "filename".
FS204-W The Fileshare Server is unable to log to the log file "filename". Rollforward recovery logging is disabled.
FS205-W Unable to remove the old recovery log file "filename".
FS206-S There is more than one starter log file. The Recovery Utility is unable to determine which one to use.
FS207-I There is no starter log file in the log file directory.
FS208-S There is no starter log file in the backup directory.
FS209-I A starter log file has been located in the backup directory.
FS210-S There is more than one starter log file in the backup directory.
FS211-S An error occurred checking the header on the log file "filename".
FS212-I The Rollforward Recovery Utility is processing the log file "filename".
FS213-W Unable to locate the continuation log file "filename" in the log file directory.
FS214-I Searching for a backed up log file in the log file directory.
FS215-I Searching for a backed up log file in the backup directory.
FS216-I No backed up starter log file can be found in the log file directory.
FS217-I No backed up starter log file can be found in the backup directory.
FS218-I No backed up continuation log file can be found in the log file directory.
FS219-I No backed up continuation log file can be found in the backup directory.
FS220-I A backed up starter log file has been found in the log file directory.
FS221-I A backed up starter log file has been found in the backup directory.
FS222-I A backed up continuation log file has been found in the log file directory.
FS223-I A backed up continuation log file has been found in the backup directory.
FS224-S The log file directory contains more than one backed up starter log file.
FS225-S The backup directory contains more than one backed up starter log file.
FS227-W Failure to set Fileshare Server's access rights.
FS228-I CCI SEND status checked.
FS229-I Unrecognized CCI session ID - could not disconnect user.
FS230-I User : user-IDuser-name
FS231-S The parameter "nnn" is not numeric.
FS232-I Date : date.
FS233-W Unable to set the maximum amount of dynamic memory to the limit specified
FS234-W The parameter "text " specifies a memory limit below the minimum of 6 Mbytes allowed.
FS235-W Failure to allocate memory for incomplete CCI SEND processing.
FS236-I The log file name has been removed from the database reference file.
FS237-S The next log file to use filename already exists, unable to back up current log file.
FS237-W The next log file to use filename already exists, unable to back up current log file.
FS238-I Terminating communications with this user.
FS239-I Output - user Record locked. Retry operation.
FS240-I Output - user File locked. Retry operation.
FS241-I Output - user Insufficient log file disk space. Retry operation.
FS243-S Failure backing up the file filename1 to filename2.
FS244-S Failure restoring the backed up file filename1 to filename2.
FS245-S Failure deleting the log file filename.
FS246-I Backing up database files to directory backup directory. Please wait.
FS247-I Restoring database files from directory backup directory. Please wait.
FS248-I Commencing automatic Fileshare Recovery.
FS249-I Restarting Fileshare Server.
FS250-I Deleting all unwanted log files.
FS251-S Logging must be activated for all files when specifying a backup directory.
FS252-S Failure deleting the file filename.
Messages from FS301 - FS400
Micro Focus Native Database File Handling and Enterprise Server Region Database Management
System Requirements
Types of Database
Database Permissions
Configuration Requirements
Using Microsoft SQL Server
Using PostgreSQL
Using Db2
Using Oracle
Configuring CICS Applications for Native Database File Handling
Configuring the JCL Environment for Native Database File Handling
The Database Configuration File
Database Connections
Datastore Management
Database Management and Recovery
File View Generation
Resource Locking
Record Locking Strategies
MFDBFH Error Messages
ADM0000 - ADM0019
ADM0020 - ADM0039
ADM0040 - ADM0059
ADM0060 - ADM0079
ADM0080 - ADM0099
ADM0100 - ADM0119
CFG - MFDBFH Configuration Messages
CFG0000 - CFG0019
CFG00040 - CFG00059
CFG0000 - CFG0019
CFG0020 - CFG0039
CFG0040 - CFG0059
DBFH - MFDBFH General Messages
DBFH00000 - DBFH00019
DBFH00020 - DBFH00039
DBFH00020S Failed to load 'odbc-oci-db2-api-load-library'
DBFH00021I Successfully registered XA connection 'xa-connection-name' for datastore 'datastore-url'
DBFH00022I Successfully de-registered XA connection 'xa-connection-name' for datastore 'datastore-url'
DBFH00023I Build svn-tag, svn-revision
DBFH00024S Failed to load Secrets/Vault API
DBFH00025W Failed to read secret from the vault for attribute 'attr-name' (RC=return-code): Server=server-name; Dsn=dsn-name
DBFH00026E db-api-type error: 'odbc-oci-error-message'
DBFH00027E I/O error: io-error-message
DBFH00028W Configuration file 'configuration-file-name' does not exist
DBFH00029W SQL script file folder 'script-file-folder-name' does not exist
DBFH00030E Required stored procedure 'stored-procedure-name' does not exist
DBFH00031W The region must be cold started
DBFH00032S MFDBFH requires the multi-threaded COBOL run-time system
DBFH00033S SQL script file 'sql-script-file-name' does not exist
DBFH00034S MFDBFH failed to upgrade the datastore. Manual upgrade required. Use 'dbfhadmin -upgrade -datastore datastore-url' to generate an upgrade script and run the script as a user with sysadmin privileges
DBFH00035W Record lock strategy changed for file 'sql-url' Already opened by PID process-id on host 'host-name' with 'existing-record-lock-strategy'. Requested 'requested-record-lock-strategy'
DBFH00036E Cannot cold start region database 'region-database-name' Already started by 'program-name (PID process-id)' on host 'host-name'
DBFH00037E Cannot warm start region database 'region-database-name' Already started by 'program-name (PID process-id)' on host 'host-name'
DBFH00038E Cannot stop region database 'region-database-name'. Not started
DBFH00039W Force cold start of region database 'region-database-name' Already started by 'program-name (PID process-id)' on host 'host-name'
DBFH00040 - DBFH00059
DBFH0080 - DBFH0099
DEP0000 - DEP0019
DEP0020 - DEP0039
DEP0040 - DEP0059
DEP0100 - DEP0119