Endevor Data Source Fields

Before defining the Endevor data source, make sure that Mainframe Access server is installed and configured for accessing the corresponding Endevor instance.

Then define a new data source for Endevor using the Create New Data Source button with a unique name (for example EndevorDS) and by selecting the product Endevor from the list of the supported products.

Enter following values on the Update Data Source Property Values pane:

Code Page File
Pointing to this optional file supports specific mainframe code pages on an Endevor element type level. This is only required if the session code page defined below does not apply to all Endevor element types. If the element type name is mapped in the referenced properties file, then the code page value from the file will override the default session value. If the element type name is not mapped in the properties file, then the session code page value will be used.

The format of the file is: "Endevor element type name"="Code page value"

You can use any code page value which is supported as session code page value (see list below). In addition following code page values are supported only for Endevor element types, but not as a session code page:

  • x-IBM1380
  • x-IBM300
  • x-IBM834
  • x-IBM835
  • x-IBM837
  • x-IBM927
  • x-IBM947
  • x-IBM951

Example: assuming the German code page IBM01141 is defined as the session code page, but should not be used for C files. Then create a code page file with the following entry: C=IBM01140.

The field entry in the data source points to this file, for example: C:\EnterpriseSync\config\codepage.txt

Extensions File

Connect queries Endevor and provides default extension sets within Endevor. If you need additional extensions, or changes to the extensions, then you would use the file extensions file to include these settings. For example if you want Endevor files to use a setting not immediately provided by Endevor, you could create the file extensions file with an assembler entry.

The format of this file is: "Endevor element type name"="file extension value"

If you are configuring this extension file, then Enterprise Sync will only use the values specified in this file and not use the values defined in Endevor. Enterprise Sync will use the values from Endevor only if this file doesn't exist. No file extension is created during the synchronization process, if it is not defined for a specific type.


  • COBOL=cbl
  • PLI=pli
  • INCLUDE=inc
  • COPY=cpy
  • EXE=bin
  • MACRO=mac
  • ASM=asm
  • BMS=bms
  • JCL=jcl
  • JCLPROC=jcl
  • LINKCARD=txt
  • PARM=txt
  • LOAD=txt

The field entry in the data source points to this file, for example: C:\EnterpriseSync\config\fileext.txt.

Include SubSystem in Path
The standard path (folder structure) created by Enterprise Sync when synchronizing Endevor elements to path structured target system would include the three folder levels Endevor System, Subsystem and Type. Select True if you want to include Endevor subsystem names in the synchronization path. Normally you would select False if an Endevor system has exactly one subsystem, and the subsystem name is not relevant in this context. You can override the path mapping rule specified here using the Logical Path Value Mapping file (see below).
Logical Path Value Mapping File
This path value mapping is only required if the default path containing the Endevor System, (Subsystem) and Type is not sufficient. In this referenced file you can map any combination of Endevor environment/system/subsystem to any folder structure (path). The usage of a specific path mapping file may be required if Endevor is configured in a way that system or subsystem names are changing when moving elements from one stage to another. With this path mapping you can assure a stable path structure.
  • SMPLPROD.ESNCTST.BANKDEMO=esnctst\bankdemo
  • SMPLTEST.ESNCTST1.BANKDEMO=esnctst\bankdemo
  • SMPLTEST.ESNCTST2.BANKDEMO=esnctst\bankdemo

The field entry in the data source points to this file, for example: C:\EnterpriseSync\config\pathmap.txt.

Mainframe Node
This is the node to your mainframe system accessible via TCP/IP. It could be a TCP/IP address or a logical name, but it should be the same name which is used in Micro Focus Enterprise Developer for accessing the mainframe. If both names are not identical, it is possible that the mainframe credentials dialog pops up twice per session within Enterprise Developer.
Mainframe Port
This is the Mainframe Access Server port.
Mainframe Server
This field must contain a unique server name for this mainframe connection (any unique value).
The password for the mainframe user defined below.
Note: We recommend using an administrator mainframe user with a password which does not expire.
Read Only Element Types
If you want to synchronize Endevor elements, but you do not want to allow updates to these files in the synchronized target system, then specify the corresponding Endevor element types in this field separated by comma. Example: Assuming the Endevor element type DCLGEN would contain generated Cobol copybooks, then you would enter DCLGEN into this configuration field.
Session Code Page
If a session code page is not specified, then the installation default from the Mainframe Access Server is used. Following code pages are supported.
  • IBM01140
  • IBM01141
  • IBM01142
  • IBM01143
  • IBM01144
  • IBM01145
  • IBM01146
  • IBM01147
  • IBM01148
  • IBM01149
  • IBM037
  • IBM1026
  • IBM1047
  • IBM273
  • IBM277
  • IBM278
  • IBM280
  • IBM284
  • IBM285
  • IBM297
  • IBM500
  • IBM870
  • IBM871

The standard data translation between the mainframe and the Enterprise Sync server is based on this code page. This includes the file translation, as long as the Endevor element type doesn't have the binary attribute associated and as long as not another code page is configured for a specific Endevor type in the Code Page file (see above).

Time OffSet
You can leave this blank.
User Name
This Mainframe user name is used by Enterprise Sync as the login user to the Mainframe Access Server and for accessing Endevor. The mainframe user is mainly used for supporting a time interval based synchronization process or for retrieving general information from the Endevor instance. Enterprise Sync also supports the synchronization to Endevor on demand triggered from the IDE, for example from Enterprise Developer. An on demand synchronization uses the mainframe credentials of the mainframe user working in the IDE and not the mainframe credentials specified here in the data source.