The Report Date Time

The report date time, like the screen date entry control, is used to present formatted date and time information. In a report, this information is likely most useful in a header or footer.

The report date time Property window contains the following control-specific properties in addition to the properties described in Common Report Control Properties.

Date Format

This property determines how a date is displayed in the report date time. The default value for this property is mm/dd/yyyy. A drop-down box allows the selection of the following formats:

Date Picture Format

This property defines the format in which dates are stored in Working-Storage. The default value for this property is MMDDYYYY. A drop-down box allows the selection of the following formats:

  • YYMM
  • MMYY
  • MMDD
  • DDMM
  • None


A drop-down box allows the selection of Center, Left, Right, or Unaligned. The default value for this property is Unaligned.

Print If Repeat

A drop-down box allows the selection of TRUE or FALSE. The condition is applied when consecutive records contain the same data values. When this property is set to TRUE (the default), both data values print. When it is set to FALSE, the second (and subsequent) same data values do not print.

Time Format

This property determines how time is displayed in the report date time. The default value for this property is None. A drop-down box allows the selection of the following formats:

  • hh:mm:ss
  • hh:mm
  • hh
  • mm:ss
  • mm
  • ss
  • tt hh:mm:ss
  • tt hh:mm
  • tt hh
  • None

Note that tt is replaced by am or pm, hh by hours, mm by minutes, and ss by seconds.

Time Picture Format

This property defines how time is stored in Working-Storage. The default value for this property is None. A drop-down box allows the selection of the following formats:

  • HHMM
  • HH
  • MMSS
  • MM
  • SS
  • None

Value Picture

If you select an existing variable for Value Variable, Value Picture inherits the picture of the existing variable. If you create a new variable for Value Variable, you can create a picture clause for that variable here. If you leave Value Picture blank, a picture of X(30) is assigned to the new variable. This property has no default value.

Value Variable

The Value cell for this property has an ellipsis push button that opens the Select Variable interface. The Value Variable is not directly referenced by the generated code, but may be used by the user. This property has no default value.