Change to the mount directory, then type the following and press
Follow the instructions on the screen to select the specific platform, installation directory, and products to be installed.
If you select a directory that contains a previous version of
extend products, you are prompted to view a list of files that will be overwritten, and if you want to proceed with the overwrite.
If you decline, the installation stops, which enables you to go back and select a different directory.
For AIX Version 5.1 and later, HP-UX Version 11 and later, and Solaris Version 7.0 and later, ACUCOBOL-GT products may be
distributed as shared object libraries. If you install ACUCOBOL-GT as a shared object library and you don't install to the
default location, you need to set an appropriate library path variable specifying the location of the shared objects. For
example, on an AIX system, you would need to set the LIBPATH environment variable. Note that if you log in as root or a superuser,
this variable must also be set in root's environment for ACUCOBOL-GT to start. Additionally, see the topic
SHARED_LIBRARY_PREFIX configuration variable.
Note: If you install to the default installation directory (/opt/acucorp/xxx), we recommend you create a symbolic link to a version-independent directory such as
/opt/acu, to allow you to use
opt/acu/bin in your PATH setting and
/opt/acu/lib in your shared library path setting.