Installation from CD-ROM

  1. Insert the CD-ROM containing your products into the appropriate drive and mount it using the appropriate mount command for your operating system.
    Note: If you are mounting a CD-ROM on HP/UX 11.0, use the following mount command:
    mount -F cdfs -o cdcase,nosuid /dev/dev mountpoint

    where dev is the CD-ROM device assignment.

  2. Change to the mount directory, then type the following and press Enter:

    Follow the instructions on the screen to select the specific platform, installation directory, and products to be installed. If you select a directory that contains a previous version of extend products, you are prompted to view a list of files that will be overwritten, and if you want to proceed with the overwrite. If you decline, the installation stops, which enables you to go back and select a different directory.

    Note: For AIX Version 5.1 and later, HP-UX Version 11 and later, and Solaris Version 7.0 and later, ACUCOBOL-GT products may be distributed as shared object libraries. If you install ACUCOBOL-GT as a shared object library and you don't install to the default location, you need to set an appropriate library path variable specifying the location of the shared objects. For example, on an AIX system, you would need to set the LIBPATH environment variable. Note that if you log in as root or a superuser, this variable must also be set in root's environment for ACUCOBOL-GT to start. Additionally, see the topic SHARED_LIBRARY_PREFIX configuration variable.
    Note: If you install to the default installation directory (/opt/acucorp/xxx), we recommend you create a symbolic link to a version-independent directory such as /opt/acu, to allow you to use opt/acu/bin in your PATH setting and /opt/acu/lib in your shared library path setting.
  3. After your products are installed, the Activator utility starts automatically: at the prompt, type the product code and product key pairs that came with your product package, pressing Enter after each pair, which updates the license file. Repeat this cycle until the code/key pairs for each product you have ordered are entered.
    Note: Each product searches for its license file in the same directory in which its executable resides. If you move the product's executable to a new directory, you must move its license file to the same location.
  4. Enter the following on the command line to start the acushare license manager service:
    acushare -start
  5. Navigate to the sample sub-directory of your installation directory and try compiling and running the tour program, using the following commands:
    ccbl tour.cbl
    runcbl tour.acu
  6. If you get the message Can't find entry for 'terminal' in 'term-lib", you need to configure your terminal for ACUCOBOL-GT. See Configuring Your Terminals.
  7. Once you have the sample program running, we recommend that you edit the cblconfig file supplied with ACUCOBOL-GT to meet the needs of your site. In particular, you should configure it to support the printers you have attached to your system.
  8. If you are using shared memory, see the instructions for configuring acushare in ACUCOBOL-GT User's Guide > Runtime Manual > Shared Memory > Acushare Utility Program.