UNIX Client Installations

The Acu4GL product is shipped using either TAR or CPIO format, depending on the type of machine you have. The media label tells you which format has been used. You can start by copying all of the files onto your client machine. If you are using a second machine as your server (this is optional), move the server files (identified below) to that second machine.

You will be installing Acu4GL into the same directory where your ACUCOBOL-GT runtime is located. Change to that directory and type one of the following commands:

tar  xfv device


cpio  -icvBd < device

This will copy the files from the distribution medium to your directory. device is the appropriate hardware device name (for example, /dev/rmt0). Sites using Texas Instruments System 1500 should add an uppercase “T” to the cpio options (-icvBdT).