Configuring Profiler Behavior

In order to reduce file size and processing time for the acumon#.xml file, the profiler does not create records for paragraphs that have a zero execution count and zero execution time. If you would like to have these zero count paragraphs recorded, use the -p0 option instead of -p.

To specify a name other than acumon#.xml for the XML output file, use the configuration variable ACU_MON_FILE. This variable also takes the following specifiers for adding additional information to the name:

%p     If the name contains the string %p, that string is replaced with the process ID (PID) of the runtime.
%d     If the name contains the string "%d", that string is replaced with the current date in the form YYYYMMDD where YYYY is the year, MM month and DD day.
%t     If the name contains the string %t, that string is replaced with the current time in the form HHMMSSTTT where HH is the hour, MM minute, SS second and TTT milliseconds.
%u     If the name contains the string %u, that string is replaced with the username.
%h     If the name contains the string %h, that string is replaced with the hostname.

For example:

ACU_MON_FILE profile%p.xml

would produce a file called something like profile314.xml, where 314 is the runtime process ID.