Installing Products Within the MPE/iX Shell

Note: You must have system manager (SM) or system supervisor (OP)capability to perform the following procedures.
  1. Extract the contents of the MPE/iX STORE archive with the following command:


    The TREE option is required because most files are in HFS format. The TREE option tells RESTORE to recursively scan and include all files below the specified wildcards or directories. The “ACCOUNT=ACUCOBOL” option is required to switch the file’s account as you install (RESTORE) it from tape because a different account was used in the creation of the installation archive. The CREATE option recreates account, group, creator, or HFS directories if needed. The CREATOR=MGR option changes the creator of the files to MGR.

    If you get the following error message:


    then you did not remove or rename ACUUDC before doing the RESTORE. Remove or rename ACUUDC as described in Before Installing extend Products, and perform the RESTORE again.

    If you get the following error message:


    then you did not create an account for ACUCOBOL prior to installation. Create the account as described in Before Installing extend Products, and perform the RESTORE again.

  2. Change the access permissions for the /ACUCOBOL/bin and ACUCOBOL/etc directories so that you can access ACUCOBOL-GT commands from other accounts:

    These commands allow read, write, and execute ability for the owner (7--), read and execute ability for the group (-5-), and read and execute ability for everyone else (--5). The CHMOD.HPBIN.SYS and MKDIR.HPBIN.SYS commands are used because these are HFS format directories.

    Note: If you are using extend’s Thin Client technology, you must alsocreate the /etc directory that is used by the AcuAccess file using the following command:
    :MKDIR.HPBIN.SYS "/etc"

    For more information about thin client and the AcuAccess file, see the AcuConnect User’s Guide .

  3. Make sure the UDC for ACUCOBOL-GT, “ACUUDC.PUB.ACUCOBOL”, is cataloged with the following command:


    This UDC sets the environment variables needed to run ACUCOBOL-GT. If you want to make this a logon UDC, add the OPTION LOGON line to ACUUDC. This can only be done if you do not already have a logon UDC for the specified level. MPE/iX only recognizes one logon UDC for each level. If a logon UDC exists, you can add ACUUDC to the existing logon UDC at that level. If ACUUDC is not cataloged, catalog it at the desired level. For example, use the following command to catalog and activate the UDC at the account level:


    Start the Activator utility to create the product license files.

  4. At the prompt, type the product code and product key that came with your product package. When you press Return after typing in each code and key pair, the license file is created. For example:
    Enter the product code []: 2EKAAAKNNVDA6KJBSWAA
    Enter the product key []: 9XFKJGKNNU7Z

    If you have another set of product codes and keys to enter, run the Activator again. (Repeat this step until all code and key pairs are entered.) You can use the REDO command to recall the Activator utility.