Changes Affecting Version 9.0.0

New Installation Location on Windows

The Windows installation directory structure for all extend products has changed. In particular the former directory Acucorp has been renamed to Micro Focus.

For example, version 8.x of ACUCOBOL-GT is installed here:

C:\Program Files\Acucorp\Acucbl800\AcuGT

Now, version 9.0.0 and higher is installed here:

C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\Acucbl900\AcuGT 

Windows License File Location Changes

Version 9.0 now follows the Microsoft guidelines for license file locations.

When using a standard ACUCOBOL-GT installation and License Activator you should see no change in behavior. However, license files are no longer created in the installation directory (C:\Program Files\Acucorp\Acucbl900, by default on Windows XP). Instead, license files are created in an application-specific location, which changes depending on the version of Windows in use.

On Windows Vista and Windows 7, the location is:

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Micro 

The activator writes the license to this location, and all extend applications (compiler, runtime, acuserve, etc.) search for the license file in this location first. If the license file is not in the new location, then the old logic is followed - the executable will search for the license in the same directory as the executable.

We determine the location of the license files by examining the value of the environment variable ALLUSERSPROFILE. For versions prior to Windows Vista, we append the directory name Application Data. We then append Micro Focus/extend/9.0.0. For 32-bit programs, we then append x86.

Windows Registry Key Changes

The Windows registry key is changed from:

SOFTWARE\\Acucorp, Inc.\\


SOFTWARE\\Micro Focus\\


The default value of the SHARED_LIBRARY_EXTENSION configuration value has been changed to match the standard value for the host system.

The old default value was fixed as .so. Some systems use a different shared library extension. The new default value will match the extension used on the shared libraries in the lib directory.

You may need to update the value of the SHARED_LIBRARY_EXTENSION configuration variable if you were relying on it always being set to .so.