Generating a URL

Use the Generating URL option to create a URL that can be distributed to your end-users; they can paste the URL into their browsers to run the application that the alias refers to

  1. On the Gateway Services tab of the AcuToWeb control panel, select the required (running) service, then click URL gen..

    The Connection Setup dialog box appears.

  2. In the Alias field, enter the name of an alias.
    Note: Use the Alias tab on the AcuToWeb control panel to configure aliases.
  3. Check Fullscreen if you want to run the application in full-screen mode.
    Note: Full-screen mode is only possible after user interaction; the browser will not run in Full-screen mode immediately.
  4. Check Debug-mode to run the ACUCOBOL-GT debugger when using the URL.
  5. In the Themes field, click GUID-1B5C298D-BDA4-4E15-9E4D-7C596C3681B0-low.png and select one of the themes available for the Gateway service.
    Note: This option is not available if you have not added any themes to the service from the Gateway Services tab, in the AcuToWeb Control Panel.
  6. Check Enable Logging Client to enable logging whilst the application is run. You should only enable logging when requested to by Micro Focus.
  7. Check Obfuscate Param to encode the URL parameters using the Base64 encoding scheme. When distributed, the specific details in the URL are not readable (without first being decoded).
  8. Click Make Url to generate a URL, which is displayed in the Generated Url field.
  9. You can copy the URL and paste it into a browser, or click Connect or GUID-B9C20DD7-105E-4750-8FE4-1E9D0FAF8AA1-low.png to run immediately.