ECN-AW001 Introducing AcuToWeb

Type of Change: Enhancement

Product: AcuToWeb

Module: AcuToWeb

New Version: 10.1.0

Machines Affected: Windows and Linux platforms


AcuToWeb is a new product to the extend Interoperability Suite, and is available as part of the normal Windows installer. It is an innovative technology that displays the user interface portion of your server-based ACUCOBOL-GT application to a client-side browser.

The client-side browser must have HTML 5 and WebSocket support; this can be found in such browsers as IE 10+, Edge, Firefox 38+, Chrome 43+, Safari 7+, IOS Safari 6+.

AcuToWeb consists of the AcuToWeb Gateway, AcuConnect, ACUCOBOL-GT runtime, your COBOL application and data, and also requires a web server (such as IIS, Apache, or AcuToWeb even includes its own web server). Client-side users only require a browser that supports HTML 5, unless your application needs access to the client, for example, client-side printing or other client-side resources, in which case AcuToWeb Desktop is required. AcuToWeb Desktop facilitates the communication from the server-side COBOL program (such as calls to Win$Printer) and provides printing functionality on the client.

AcuToWeb can be deployed in the following ways:

  • In a single-tiered environment, where the web server, AcuToWeb, AcuConnect, ACUCOBOL-GT runtime and COBOL program and data all reside on single machine.
  • In a multi-tiered environment, where the web server is configured to tunnel the requests to a AcuToWeb gateway residing on a different machine, and then the AcuToWeb gateway is configured to communicate with AcuConnect, ACUCOBOL-GT runtime and COBOL programs and data residing on another machine.

AcuToWeb functionality is facilitated by the AcuConnect thin client technology, and so access file, alias file and thin client connection configuration are all pre-requisites to AcuToWeb.

For more information, see AcuToWeb in the product documentation.