ECN-4519 New PDF printing library routine for UNIX and Windows


Module: Runtime

Machines Affected: all


A new library routine, C$PDF, has been introduced to enable PDF printing.

The library routine calls into the libharu PDF printing library ( to give a comprehensive range of PDF print functionality that you can embed in your COBOL programs. It provides more flexibility than using the existing PDF printing mechanism (-P PDF option).

For example, the following COBOL calls are used to create a new PDF document and add a page:

call "C$PDF" using HPDF-NEW
             giving HPDF-DOC.
call "C$PDF" using HPDF-ADDPAGE,
             giving HPDF-PAGE.

The run time then passes the resulting information to the libharu API to run its equivalent functions:

HPDF_Doc HPDF_New (HPDF_Error_Handler user_error_fn,
                   void *user_data); 
HPDF_Page HPDF_AddPage (HPDF_Doc pdf);