Table Setting Dialog's Cell Setting Tab


This field contains the coordinates of the table cell, presented in the format (X,Y). In this format, the cells in a table's top row would have the coordinates (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), and so on. The cells of the table's second row would have coordinates of (2, 1), (2, 2), (2, 3), and so on.


The selection of Type affects the behavior of the Data and Pic columns. A drop-down box allows the selection of Text, Variable, Image, and Data Image. This field defaults to Text.


The contents of this field depend on the settings in the Type column. When the Type setting is Text, Data contains a character string, which is constant. When the Type setting is Variable, Data contains a variable selected from the Select Variable interface. When the Type setting is Image, Data contains a bitmap selected from the Open Files of Type*.bmp interface. When the Type setting is “Data Image, Data contains a variable selected from the Select Variable interface.


This field is used only when the Type setting is Variable or Data Image. It displays the picture clause of the variable represented in the adjacent Data cell.


A drop-down box allows the selection of Top-Left, Top-Center, Top-Right, Center-Left, Center, Center-Right, Bottom-Left, Bottom-Center, Bottom-Right, or Unaligned. This field defaults to Unaligned.


Double-click in the More cell to open the More dialog box. You can set Color, Color Variable, Font, Hyperlink, and Hyperlink Variable properties in this interface.