acurcl -kill

The acurcl -kill command causes the AcuConnect process to halt. If no server is specified, the AcuConnect process is halted on the current host; otherwise, the process is halted on the named host.

To use -kill on a UNIX server, you must be logged in as root or superuser. On a Windows server, you must use -kill from the administrator account or from an account that belongs to the administrators group.

Note that although files are not broken when you use this command, they may not be consistent. If a child runtime is terminated between two file updates that are both required for consistency, the runtime shuts down between them.

Unless the-f option is specified, AcuConnect prompts for confirmation before the halt action is executed, for example:

Shutting down acurcl on: condor
Do you really want to shut down acurcl [N]?

Respond by entering Y or N.

Optional arguments to -kill include:

Option Description
server Specifies the name of the server machine to kill. If no server is specified, the server is assumed to be the local host.
-f Causes the AcuConnect process to terminate immediately, without prompting for confirmation. -f should be used when acurcl -kill is included in a program or script.
-n Identifies a particular instance of the AcuConnect program by port number. The -n must be followed by a space and then an integer, for example, "6524". If no port number is specified, the default port is terminated.
-p Causes AcuConnect to terminate an individual child process. The -p must be followed by a space and the process ID of the child process to be terminated.
Note: The AcuConnect process can also be terminated from the command line. For example, on UNIX you could use the command kill -9 (signal #9). However, a signal #9 prevents AcuConnect from performing an orderly shutdown and should never be used when clients are actively using AcuConnect.