Installing on UNIX

  1. If you have not already done so, download the AcuXDBC installation file, choose an installation directory to which you have permission to create files and directories, and copy the AcuCob*.tar.gz file to this directory.
  2. Decompress the file:
    gunzip AcuCob*.tar.gz
    Then extract the files:
    tar xvf AcuCob*.tar
  3. Set the environment variable GENESIS_HOME to the root installation of AcuXDBC. The following is an example of how to set this variable:
    Note: The value of the environment variable should not have a / as the last character, because this can interfere with installation and configuration scripts.
  4. Change your directory to the GENESIS_HOME bin directory:
    cd $GENESIS_HOME/bin
  5. Set or modify environment variables that point to the location of the AcuXDBC executable files and to tell the operating system where to find the AcuXDBC and Server Express shared libraries. On Linux, use the PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH variables, for example:
    Important: Make sure the path for $COBDIR is specified after the INSTALL_DIRECTORY paths.
    Note: The environment variables you set or modify are dependent on your operating system. Here are some examples:
    AIX (5.1 and later): LIBPATH
    Linux, Solaris, and64-bit HP-UX:     LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    64-bit Solaris alternative: LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64
    32-bit HP-UX (11.0 and later): SHLIB_PATH
  6. If you are using CES licenses to set or modify environment variables that point to the location of the CES license files, you can do this using one of the following methods:
    • Add /var/microfocuslicensing/bin to the end of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH (or the variable you used from above):
    • Set or modify the following environment variables:
      export CESLIB=/var/microfocuslicensing/bin
      export MFCES_INIT_LOCATION=/var/microfocuslicensing/bin/ces.ini
  7. Run to create a configuration file, called acuxdbc.cfg by default. The configuration file must be located at $GENESIS_HOME.
  8. You may modify the AcuXDBC configuration file, if you wish. There are two required variables, DICTSOURCE and FILE_PREFIX, and other variables may be needed depending on your situation.

    Below is a partial sample of acuxdbc.cfg showing the syntax for the two required variables. Note that this file also contains sample syntax and instructions for all available variables. If you want to use this file, you can remove the comment indicators from any of the other variables listed in acuxdbc.cfg.

    # The path to your system catalog directory. This is a required variable
    DICTSOURCE /usr2/acuxdbc/syscat
    # The path to your data files. You must prepend the line with a semi-colon,
    # use either double backslashes ("\\") or forward slashes ("/"),
    # and separate your paths by semi-colons. This is a required variable.
    FILE_PREFIX ;/usr2/acuxdbc/data;/usr2/acuxdbc/sample/acuxdbc/data
    Note: For FILE_PREFIX, the delimiting character is a semi-colon or colon. Spaces are not supported in thisAcuXDBC variable.