Calling the DLL Version of the ACUCOBOL-GT Thin Client

A DLL interface to the ACUCOBOL-GT Thin Client is designed to be called from languages that don't support ActiveX or when a DLL interface is preferable to ActiveX. If you decide that a DLL interface is the best method of accessing the Thin Client from your program, you call the thin client DLL, acuthin.dll.

To call the ACUCOBOL-GT Thin Client DLL from another programming language, you must add a single declaration to the source program. This example shows what you would use in C/C++:

int PASCAL AcuThinMain( const char *pCmdLine );

To start the thin client, you must pass AcuThinMain a single parameter that specifies a command-line string using the same syntax as required by the acuthin.exe command line. For example, in C/C++ you would use the following syntax to start an application on "myserver" using port 5764 with an acurcl alias named "myappalias":

int iRetVal = AcuThinMain( "myserver:5764 -d myappalias" );

AcuThinMain returns "1" on success, "0" on failure.

The thin client DLL depends on acme.dll, aclnt.dll, and atermmgr.dll. In addition, if your program uses .jpg, .png, or .tff files, you also need ajpg32.dll.