Automatic Update Process

When the server runtime determines that a thin client automatic update is needed, it triggers the following process (optional steps are enabled by default):

  1. The thin client checks to see if the automatic update feature is enabled.
  2. If the feature is enabled, the thin client informs the user that an update is required and asks the user to proceed with or cancel the update (optional). If the user accepts the update, the thin client downloads a single "installer" file while displaying a download progress dialog.
  3. If the installer file has an .msi extension, the thin client launches the Microsoft Windows Installer (msiexec.exe) to complete the thin client installation using the contents of the .msi file. If the installer has an .exe extension, custom installation options, such as TC_INSTALLER_TARGET_DIR, are not recognized.
  4. Thin client waits for the installer process to exit and then starts the newly installed thin client with the same command-line parameters or .atc (or .acutc) file passed to the original thin client process (optional).
  5. If the automatic update fails for any reason, the thin client informs the user of that fact (optional).