Using DBConnect Class to get a ResultSet Object

ACUCOBOL-GT's "CVM.jar" package contains a class for connecting to JDBC data sources, and querying those data sources for ResultSet objects. The class is called DBConnect.

The DBConnect class has two public static methods called "connect" and "query". The "connect" method takes two string parameters: a JDBC driver string, and a JDBC connection string, and returns a java.sql.Connection object. The "query" method takes two parameters: a query string, and a java.sql.Connection object, and returns a ResultSet object. The ResultSet object can then be used to access and update the data.

We provide an example program, CobolJavaJDBC.cbl that uses the DBConnect class to get a ResultSet object. The program is located in the %PUBLIC%\Documents\Micro Focus\extend x.x.x\sample\java directory.