MSG-COLUMN-MOVED (value 16444)

This event occurs when the user moves a column. EVENT-DATA-1 contains the physical column number being moved. EVENT-DATA-2 is the physical number of the column immediately to the left of the newly moved column at the time it is moved.

You can track the physical reordering of a grid by capturing the MSG-COLUMN-MOVED event.

For this event to occur, the grid must have the MOVEABLE-COLUMNS style. To prevent the event from occurring, set EVENT-ACTION to EVENT-ACTION-FAIL.

The following defines physical vs. logical columns:

physical columns
These are what are seen on the screen by the user. The leftmost column is column 1, the next one to the right is column 2, and so on.
logical columns
These represent how the program understands the grid layout, and is the order in which data appears in the RECORD-DATA property for any given row. Again, this lays out left to right, but the order is based on the ordering in the record and not necessarily what appears on the screen.