ECN-WB722 New grid properties and style

Product: AcuBench

Module: AcuBench.exe

Machines Affected: Windows

Known Versions Affected: N/A


AcuBench 10.4.0 supports the following for Grid controls:

REGISTRY-KEY common property
REGISTRY-KEY enables the runtime to store information in the registry about modifications to the grid via sort-column, physical-columns, and column widths. This information is loaded from the registry when a COBOL program with the same key name is run. For details, see the Common Properties topic for Grid controls in your extend documentation.
Enables the user to move or hide grid columns by placing the cursor over a column header and moving it to a new position. Users can also drag the column to hide the column, leaving a portion of it in the header to show it has been hidden. For details, see the Common Properties topic for Grid controls in your extend documentation.
PHYSICAL-COLUMNS special property
The PHYSICAL-COLUMNS property enables programmers to move or hide columns. It is indexed by the logical column number in the original layout. The logical column is the column number as the program originally constructed the grid. A physical column is the actual column number on the screen. For details, see the PHYSICAL-COLUMNS (numeric) special properties topic for Grid controls in your extend documentation.

You can access these from the Grid Properties screens.