ECN-RCL019 AcuAccess record display is unreadable

Incident: 3240521

RPI Number: 1121529

Product: AcuRCL

Module: acurcl

Machines Affected: All

Known Versions Affected: 10.3.0 and later


When using the -access option with the acurcl command, or when using the acuserve command with option 4 to display the security records, the resulting output was not lined up correctly under the headings making it hard to read. For example:

Client Machine Name  Client Username  Local Username   Password     Umask
-------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ------------ -----
my-machine                                                                                                                       my-username                                                      my-local-name                                                    <none>       002

The formatting has been corrected to line up the columns correctly. For example:

Client Machine Name  Client Username  Local Username   Password     Umask
-------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ------------ -----
my-machine           my-username      my-local-name    <none>       002