Starting AcuConnect on a Windows Server

Issue the acurcl -start command from the administrator account or from an account that belongs to the administrators group. On Windows servers, it's best to specify acurcl -start with no options. Alternatively, you can click the Start button on the Windows graphical control panel's Services tab.

Note: To use the AcuServer Control Panel on Windows servers, where User Access Control (UAC) security is turned on (as it is by default), any user must choose Run as Administrator in order to use the various AcuServer utilities. UAC can be turned off, in which case the user must merely be a member of the administrators group in order to fully operate AcuServer.

You can stop AcuConnect at any time by issuing the acurcl -kill command or by clicking Stop on the control panel's Services tab. See acurcl -kill for a discussion of the -kill command options.