Calling the DLL Version of the ACUCOBOL-GT Thin Client

A DLL interface to the ACUCOBOL-GT Thin Client is designed to be called from languages that don't support ActiveX or when a DLL interface is preferable to ActiveX. If you decide that a DLL interface is the best method of accessing the Thin Client from your program, you call the thin client DLL, acuthin.dll.

To call the ACUCOBOL-GT Thin Client DLL from another programming language, you must add a single declaration to the source program. This example shows what you would use in C/C++:

int PASCAL AcuThinMain( const char *pCmdLine );

To start the thin client, you must pass AcuThinMain a single parameter that specifies a command-line string using the same syntax as required by the acuthin.exe command line. For example, in C/C++ you would use the following syntax to start an application on "myserver" using port 5764 with an acurcl alias named "myappalias":

int iRetVal = AcuThinMain( "myserver:5764 -d myappalias" );

AcuThinMain returns "1" on success, "0" on failure.

The thin client DLL depends on acme.dll, aclnt.dll, and atermmgr.dll.