The Runtime Level

The following table defines the HTML tags at the runtime level.

<Runtime-Version> Shows the version number of the runtime used by this particular profiling run. The value is the full version number (including any information seen in runcbl -v such as build dates or patch numbers).
<Run-Date> Marks the date and time of the run that produced the profile data.
<Has-Timer> Is set to 1 if the runtime has support for profiling timers, 0 if not. If support is not available, the various ticks fields below will all be zero. Currently, timer support is available under Windows and UNIX machines that have setitimer and siginterrupt routines.
<Usecs-Per-Tick> Contains the number of microseconds represented by each tick of the timer. The runtime normally asks for a 10-millisecond timer (a value of 10000 for this field).
<User-Time-Msecs> When available, this tag shows the number of milliseconds of CPU time spent processing user code for this run.
<System-Time-Msecs>     When available, this tag shows the number of milliseconds of CPU time spent processing system code on behalf of the profiled process.