Containerization Demonstrations

extend includes sample files used to demonstrate using containerization to create both a Windows and a Linux image, and run each image in a container with either of the following provided sample COBOL applications:

You can run these applications using the ACUCOBOL-GT Thin Client on a Windows computer or in most browsers using AcuToWeb.

These demonstrations use extend version 10.5.0.

The sample files are supplied in the extend sample/containerization directory. In this directory are two subdirectories, linux and windows, and a README.txt file that summarizes the steps needed to create an image and run the samples in a container. The samples include Dockerfiles and related batch/script files to simplify the process of creating and running images from these Dockerfiles using Docker for Windows and podman for Linux.

The next section contains detailed descriptions of the files that comprise the samples. After running the samples and reading this documentation to help familiarize yourself with how the samples work, you should have all the information you needto build and use images for use with your own COBOL applications.