Example Gateway Configuration File

By default, the gateway configuration file is named gateway.toml and is located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\extend x.x.x\AcuToWeb\conf (Windows) or /etc (UNIX).

As the example configuration file below shows, it is in TOML format, and consists of a series of section headers followed by one or more options. Each configuration option and value has its own line. Lines prefixed # are comment lines and the options are case-insensitive. Refer to Gateway Configuration File Section Headers and Options for a description of each header and option with its permissible values.

Note: Websocket compression is not supported when you use IIS with AcuToWeb; in those cases, set WS_COMPRESSION 0 in your configuration file, or clear the Use WebSock compression option on the Gateway Service Properties dialog box.
acurcl            = ""
acurcl_port       = 5632
authorized_access = false
handshake_timeout = 3

timeout_atw_conn = 450

atwdt_disable_auto_update        = true
atwdt_auto_update_query          = true
atwdt_auto_update_query_title    = "ACUCOBOL-GT AcuToWeb Desktop"
atwdt_auto_update_query_message  = "Your AcuToWeb Desktop requires an update. Please click OK to launch the update."
atwdt_download_dialog            = false
atwdt_download_dialog_title      = "ACUCOBOL-GT AcuToWeb Desktop Automatic Update"
atwdt_download_description       = "Downloading installation file..."
atwdt_installer_args             = ""
atwdt_installer_run_async        = false
atwdt_auto_update_notify_fail    = true
atwdt_auto_update_failed_title   = "Failed"
atwdt_auto_update_failed_message = "The update was not completed."

logfile                = "C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\Micro Focus\\extend 10.4.0\\gateway.log"
append_log_file        = false
use_ssl                = true
ssl_key_file           = "C:\\gateway\\my-key-file.key"
ssl_crt_file           = "C:\\gateway\\my-certificate-file.crt"
webserver_port         = 3000
tcp_port               = 8009
enable_rsa_enc         = true
ws_compression         = true
max_pkg_size           = 64000
log_level              = 1
reconnect_interval     = 1000
max_reconnect_interval = 30000
reconnect_decay        = true
timeout_interval       = 200000
max_reconnect_attempts = 10
probing_connection     = 3000

public_root_dir = "./Web"
file_cache      = "./Web/cache"
path_fill_combo = "C:\\my-acutoweb\\fillcombo.js"
path_resources  = "./resources"

Example1 = "./Web/_CSS/examples/defaultCustomCSS.css"
FX       = "./Web/_CSS/examples/ThemeFX.css"

tour = "https://www.microfocus.com"
test = "https://www.google.com"

tour = [1920, 1080]
grid = [1280, 720]

If you edit any of the values in the configuration file, you must restart the AcuToWeb Gateway.

Previous versions of AcuToWeb used a configuration file in JSON format and plain text format. These files continue to be compatible with AcuToWeb but are converted to TOML format when specified from the AcuToWeb Control Panel.