Common Properties


The status bar does not have TITLE for a property, but you may use the phrase TITLE in the same way as you would use PANEL-TEXT and thus accomplish a de facto title of the status bar. Consider the following usage:
DISPLAY STATUS-BAR   "This is the title panel".


        TITLE  "This is the title panel".

Both of the above are equivalent to the complete statement:

        PANEL-WIDTHS  -1
        PANEL-STYLE   0
        PANEL-TEXT    "This is the title panel". 

Your title will then be in PANEL-INDEX 1.


Status bars have no value.


Status bars have no size; their width always spans the width of the host window, and their height depends on the window font, always accommodating only one line of text.


Status bars don't use colors; the colors of the status bar's host window are used.


GRIP If specified, allows you to include in the lower-right corner of the window a triangular area in which you can click-and-drag to resize the entire window. So the grip affects the entire window, although it is a status bar style.

GRIP applies to only resizable windows. When it is specified, any resizing of a window using the grip triggers the same event as would resizing the window in a conventional way. If you specify grip in a non-resizable window, it is ignored.