Changes Affecting Version 7.0

The following sections describe changes that can affect programs originally written with ACUCOBOL-GT Version 7.0.

Compiler and Runtime Changes

Two compilation switches provide compatibility with Version 7.0:

-C70 Causes the compiler to generate code according to the rules used by Version 7.0.
-Z70 Creates object code that can be run with a Version 7.0 runtime.

In Version 7.1, the total size of parameters passed BY CONTENT is increased to 2GB. For Version 7.0 and earlier, the total size limit is 64K. If you compile with -Z70, your program has the 64K limit for parameters passed BY CONTENT.

The maximum number of REPLACING elements in an INSPECT statement is increased to 256. For Version 7.0 and earlier, the limit is 30.