APPLY Clause Options

IBM DOS/VS COBOL allows the clauses of the I-O-CONTROL paragraph of the ENVIRONMENT division to appear in any order. It also accepts the following forms of the APPLY clause that ACUCOBOL-GT does not accept:

APPLY WRITE-ONLY ON file-name-1 [file-name-2] ...

APPLY EXTENDED-SEARCH ON file-name-1 [file-name-2] ...

APPLY WRITE-VERIFY ON file-name-1 [file-name-2] ...

APPLY CYL-OVERFLOW OF integer TRACKS ON file-name-1 [file-name-2] ...

APPLY CORE-INDEX TO data-name ON file-name-1 [file-name-2]

APPLY {MASTER-INDEX} TO device-number ON file-name-1 [file-name-2] ...
      {CYL-INDEX   }

These options affect the efficiency of file operations in IBM DOS/VS COBOL but not the program logic. As a result, ACUCOBOL-GT treats these forms of the APPLY clause as comments when in the IBM DOS/VS COBOL compatibility mode, and it accepts the clauses in any order regardless of the mode.

You may put APPLY clauses of the IBM DOS/VS COBOL type into the I-O-CONTROL paragraph, but only when the compiler is in the IBM DOS/VS COBOL compatibility mode. Such clauses are scanned but otherwise ignored.

The clauses of the I-O-CONTROL paragraph may be arranged in any order, and the existing APPLY clause may be used, regardless of the compiler mode.