Error Message Format

XML Extensions error messages may be several lines long. The general format of an error message includes the text of the message, and, if available, the COBOL traceback information, the name of the file or data item, and the parser information.

Message Text

The first line of the error message has the following format:

severity - message number message text

severity indicates the gravity and type of message: Informative, Warning, or Error.

message number is the documented message number followed by an internal message number in bracket characters. The internal number provides information for Micro Focus support to use in diagnosing problems.

message number is a brief explanation for the cause of the error.

An example of the first line of an error message is shown below:

Error: 28[12] - in function:

COBOL Traceback Information

The second line of the error message, present if the information is available, contains COBOL traceback information such as the following:

Called from line 69 in
compiled 2010070611461200000.

Or, if line numbers are not available:

Called from location 43 in 
compiled 2010070611461200000.

The error-reporting facility will try to break up lines that are too long for the line buffer provided in the COBOL program (default is 80 characters). This prevents long lines from being truncated. A backward slash character (\) is placed in the last position of the buffer and the line is continued on the subsequent line. For example, the traceback line shown above may be broken up as follows:

Called from location 43 in 
co\ mpiled 2010070611461200000.

Filename or Data Item in Error

The third line of the error message, present if the information is available, normally contains the name of the file or data item in error being referenced.

Parser Information

Additional lines may be present that contain parser or schema diagnostics from the underlying XML parser, such as, for Windows:

Error parsing 'a9' as number datatype. 
line 5, position 25 <ItemCount>a9</ItemCount> 
----------- --|

The first line of parser or schema diagnostic information contains an error message. The second line contains the line number and column position within the XML document. The third line contains the line of XML text in error. The fourth line contains an indicator that draws attention to the column position.

An example for UNIX would be:

2: element zip: Schemas validity error :
Element 'zip': 'ABCDE' is not a valid value 
of the atomic type 'type_Q8_example-a'.

where, the 2 is a line number and everything following the colon is a description of the error.

For errors on UNIX where the XML document is not well-formed, a second line with a portion of the input and a third line with a caret pointing to the syntax error position may be shown as follows:

2: parser error : Opening and ending tag
mismatch: acu1 line 2 and acu2