Configuration variables now exist in XDBC to handle conditions where date values do not contain valid dates. These variable cover the situations where a date field contains HIGH-VALUES, LOW-VALUES, all nines, all zeros, or an invalid date. You are able to specify a date value for each of these conditions in your XDBC configuration file. The date formats are specified is in the format: YYYYMMDDHHmmsshh (Year/ Month/Day/Hour/Minute/Second/Hundredths) as per the FORMAT specified for dates in XFD directives. Any missing information will default to its lowest possible value.

When translating COBOL data to a DATETIME, if the COBOL data is an invalid date, including spaces, we return the value of the DATE_INVALID_VALUE configuration variable.

When translating a DATETIME to COBOL, if the DATETIME is the value of the DATE_INVALID_VALUE, spaces will be written to the COBOL.