Using AcuToNet.dll Interface

Prior to extend version 9, this interface was used to provide .NET support. By default, this interface is no longer needed in versions 9 or higher of ACUCOBOL-GT. A new internal method of .NET support was added to version 9 that enables greater .NET support than what could be achieved with the previous AcuToNet.dll method. If you experience issues with the new method of .NET support, you can revert back to the previous method of using AcuToNet.dll by following these steps
  1. From a command prompt, use the RegAsm20Acu.exe to register version 9.x of AcuToNet.dll. Navigate to:
    Program Files\Micro Focus\Acucbl9xx\AcuGT.
  2. Enter the following command:
    regasm20acu /register /codebase AcuToNet.dll
  3. To run your program, use the - -a2n runtime option.