8.1 ManagerFC

8.1.1 Minimum Requirements

  • Any of the following server platforms:

    • Windows Server 2022

    • Windows Server 2019

    • Windows Server 2016

  • Quad-core processor

  • 6 GB RAM

  • 2 GB free disk space

ManagerFC has minimal processor and RAM requirements. As such, Micro Focus recommends that ManagerFC be installed on the same host as the Engine.

8.1.2 Installation and Configuration

  1. At the root of the FileReporter_4.1.iso image, double-click FileReporter-ManagerFC-4.0-x64-xx.exe.

  2. Agree to the license terms and conditions and click Install.

  3. When you are notified that the setup was successful, click Run Setup Utility.

  4. From the wizard page, read the overview of what will be installed and configured and click Next.

    Basic Configuration: This section includes fields pertaining to the basic configuration for the message broker.

    Broker Type: Displays the RabbitMQ messaging broker.

    Host Address: Specify the IP address or DNS name of the server hosting RabbitMQ.

    Port: The Management API for RabbitMQ uses this TLS enabled port. The default setting is 5671.

    Use TLS: The RabbitMQ messaging broker in File Reporter utilizes Transport Layer Security (TLS) as the cryptographic communications security protocol.

    API Port: This is the port the Management API for RabbitMQ is listening on with TLS support enabled. The default setting is 15671.

    Use TLS: This is a read-only check box indicating that File Reporter only works with TLS communication channels. TLS is always required.

    Service Account: Use the administrator name that you established in Section 6.7, Configuring the Message Broker.

    Password: Use the password that you established in Section 5.5, Changing the Administrator Password.

    Test: Click to verify the connection between ManagerFC and RabbitMQ.

  5. Complete the fields and click Next.

    This page lets you establish the connection between ManagerFC and the database.

    Database Server: Information specific to the database host.

    Type: Depending on the database you are using, select either PostgreSQL or SQL Server.

    Host Address: Specify the host address of the server where the database is installed.

    Port: The default PostgreSQL database port setting is 5432. The default SQL Server port setting is 1433.

    Database Service Account: Authentication information for the Database Service User.

    Account Name: This field specifies the database account name that is used by File Reporter to manage data in the database. This account has both read and write access to the database.

    Password: Specify the password for the Database Service User.

    Database: Information specific to the database name.

    Database Name: Indicates the name of the database that you established when you configured the database.

    Test: Click to test the connection between ManagerFC and the database.

  6. Complete the fields and click Next.

    This page lets you set parameters for ManagerFC to communicate with the Engine.

    Engine Address: Specify the DNS name or IP address to the server hosting the Engine here.

    Engine SSL Port: Specify the SSL port for the Engine here.

  7. Enter the Engine connection settings and click Next.

    Use this page to specify the location where search result files are to be stored when using the File option in a File Content Job Definition.

  8. Click Browse to locate the Search_Results share that was created when you installed and configured the Web App.

    For more information, see Section 6.8, Configuring the Web Application.

  9. Click Next.

  10. Click Finish to complete the configuration of ManagerFC.