F.10 Web Application

F.10.1 The .bmp Images Appear Blank in the Internet Explorer

If you upload a .bmp image for custom branding for the Filr Web UI, then the branded image appears as blank on launching the GUI in Internet Explorer. The branded image is available in all the other browsers.

F.10.2 Password-Protected Files Cannot Be Viewed

Files that have been password-protected in the application where they were created cannot be viewed in Filr.

F.10.3 Enabling a User Account Fails For a Restored User Profile If the User’s My Files Storage Folder is Not Restored from the Trash

If you choose to enable a user account whose user profile is restored from the trash but the My Files Storage folder of the user is still trashed, the following error displays:

User could not be enabled because the 'My Files Storage' folder is in the trash.

Before enabling the user account, you must ensure that the user account is completely restored from the trash. To restore the user account completely from trash, you must restore both the user profile and the My Files Storage for the user from the trash.