Field and extended attributes for all host types.
MicroFocus.ZFE.Connector (in MicroFocus.ZFE.Connector.dll) Version: 1.3.379.0 (1.3.379.0)
Syntax Public Enumeration Attribute
| Member name | Description |
| Protected |
Valid for 3270, 5250, HP, UTS, T27
| Modified |
Valid for 3270, 5250, HP, UTS
| NumericOnly |
Valid for 3270, 5250
| AlphaNumeric |
Valid for 3270, 5250
| HighIntensity |
Valid for 3270, 5250, UTS, T27
| Hidden |
Valid for 3270, 5250, VT, HP, T27, ALC
| PenDetectable |
Valid for 3270
| AlphaOnly |
Valid for 5250
| NumericShift |
Valid for 5250
| NumericSpecial |
Valid for 5250
| KatakanaShift |
Valid for 5250
| MagneticStripe |
Valid for 5250
| SignedNumericOnly |
Valid for 5250
| TransmitOnly |
Valid for HP
| FieldEndMarker |
Valid for HP, T27
| FieldStartMarker |
Valid for HP
| SpecialEmphasisProtected |
Valid for UTS
| TabStop |
Valid for UTS
| Reverse |
Valid for UTS
| Blinking |
Valid for 3270, 5250, VT, HP, T27, ACL, UTS
| RightJustified |
Valid for UTS, T27
| LeftJustified |
Valid for T27
| FieldAttribute |
Valid for IBM field attributes that take up space.
| LowIntensity |
Valid for UTS, HP
| Underline |
Valid for 3270, 5250, VT, HP, UTS, T27
| DoubleByte |
Valid for 3270
| ColumnSeparator |
Valid for 5250
| Bold |
Valid for VT
| DoubleWidth |
Valid for VT
| DoubleHeightTop |
Valid for VT
| DoubleHeightBottom |
Valid for VT
| ShiftCase |
Valid for HP
| ShiftOut |
Valid for HP
| ControlPageData |
Valid for UTS
| RightColumnSeparator |
Valid for UTS
| LeftColumnSeparator |
Valid for UTS
| Upperscore |
Valid for UTS
| StrikeThrough |
Valid for UTS
| Transmittable |
Valid for T27
| Blue |
Valid for 3270
| Red |
Valid for 3270
| Pink |
Valid for 3270
| Green |
Valid for 3270
| Turquoise |
Valid for 3270
| Yellow |
Valid for 3270
| White |
Valid for 3270
See Also